Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who is crying out for the women?

Rhonda asked me to post this today...something she wrote. I thought it was quite good.

I wonder what would happen if those of us who are staunchly pro-life quit fighting to overturn Roe v. Wade, and spent all of our time and money and effort towards exposing abortion as the social injustice to women that it is.

The problem is, most pro-life people see abortion in only one dimension: the baby. They don't recognize -- to the same degree -- the other victim: one who still lives, one who still suffers, one who is alive but who is destroyed.

The baby must be saved. But we forget that the woman must be saved first -- for she holds the key to life. As co-creator with the Creator, she has the free will to obey or not.

And in many cases, she will not. "Let's face it," say the proponents of maintaining Roe v. Wade, "Women are going to have abortions; they might as well have access to safe ones." But they go no further. Except to become activists in serving the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked. All good things.

And they are right when it comes to abortion. It is a matter of the heart, and they recognize that no law will hold a woman from doing the wrong thing if she so desires.

But they miss the grave injustice -- the social injustice -- of women who are exploited by the abortion industry.

Just consider this:

400,000 teen girls have abortions each year. Over 60% of them are coerced by a boyfriend, step-parent, or other predator. Who is saving these girls?

Women who have had abortions have a higher rate of broken marriages and other relationships than those who have not. They are in the highest-risk category for suicide during their first year post-abortion. Women who have had abortions have a higher rate of drug and alcohol addiction, than those who have not. They are at the highest risk to develop breast cancer under the age of forty -- the most aggressive breast cancer with the lowest survival rates.

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, believed in eugenics -- reducing the numbers of the "unfit" -- particularly blacks. She was known to have said, "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. . . ."
Is it mere coincidence that African-American women make up 13% of the U.S. female population, but account for 36% of all abortions? Among white women, 165 abort out of every 1000 births. Among black women, 491 abort out of every 1000 births. Fifteen million African-American babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade. Fifteen million!

Is it just environment that causes such disparity between white and black women's abortion statistics? Or are Margaret Sanger's goals being fulfilled by all who turn their backs on women?
Why are these social justice issues ignored? Who is crying out for the women?

No one.

Except those who know and understand the suffering that women go through, post abortion.

When these women have the freedom to tell their stories, to cry out because no one was there to save them, when they can reconcile themselves to God -- they will finally raise up and save their little sisters in Christ.

They are the silent victims. They can't be heard above the clamor and din of the arguing between sides who can no longer hear one another.

Further reading:
Forbidden Grief, Dr. David Reardon
World Magazine, Urban Battleground

God's peace,


Friday, November 14, 2008

Catholic Democrats....HUH?

President of Catholic Democrats, says this: his organization "is thrilled that Sen Obama has been elected to the highest office in the land today, and that Sen. Biden will be our first Catholic vice president." Further, his group "argued all along" that Obama and Biden "were the candidates that best reflected our Catholic values of hope, personal responsibility and care for the common good."

Well, that's all fine and good, but doesn't our Catholic Church tell us that we cannot vote for a pro-choice candidate unless there are portionate reasons??? There are not portionate reasons here - John McCain was asked when life begins, and he had 2 words to say...."at conception." What does Sen. Obama say? He says (paraphrasing here) that it is above his pay grade to make that determination. How can a Catholic, in good conscience, vote for a man who supports abortion?

Ok, I know...the election is over, and and we all have to support our president-elect while still maintaining our morals and values. The pro-life movement must continue to grow - poor, defenseless babies need to be protected. No matter who is president, our faith and personal responsibility to live as Christ commanded is priority. Let us ask Him.....He who knew us in the have mercy on us. God bless!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2008


Did "fawning" media elect Obama? See for yourself.... or maybe you already did. I haven't been able to read the paper the last several months because the liberal bias was so strong....stronger than ever!

At this point, though, we cannot change the election outcome; however, we can support our new president the best we can while continuing to uphold and live the morals and teachings given to us by Christ.

"But among all things maintain peace of heart which surpasses every treasure. For maintaining this peace nothing is more effective than to renounce one's own will and to set in its place the will of the Sacred Heart...". Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque