Thursday, October 2, 2008

Planned Parenthood defrauds taxpayers

Thomas Jefferson expounded in "The Declaration of Independence" that “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” What are those rights of which Jefferson speaks? Life and liberty and, of course, the pursuit of happiness. What has happened? Our government has run amok. It no longer seems to represent those who are governed, and it is failing miserably in the protection-of-life department. It has its hand in way too many areas that don't concern it. Here's a great example: Planned Parenthood. Why on earth should a group such as Planned Parenthood be funded by my hard-earned money? They have no right to it, and they should keep their very dirty, murderous hands off of it...oh, and they're trying to profit from the bailout! Okay, I'll stop, but here's a great article on the subject...
Planned Parenthood does not keep the country safe. In fact it very effectively kills off a large part of our society. It does nothing for our infrastructure. It has no right to our tax dollars, and apparently it has been defrauding the government (i.e. taxpayers) big time, which doesn't surprise me considering the business they are in.

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