Thursday, June 11, 2009

Guilt by Association

It's hard to know where to start sometimes. And, sometimes it's all so overwhelming that we have a hard time starting at all. That's how I've felt lately. As you can see, none of us ladies have put anything here since January! Good intentions...anyway. I've been ruminating and just thought I would exercise my demons by putting them down here. The murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller was wrong and definitely not something a person who is pro-life would commit. However, all the MSM runs on about is the pro-life connections of the killer. The killer is not pro-life. Period. If one is pro-life, one does not kill. All people involved in the pro-life movement are not killers by association. It amazes me how agenda driven our media has become. Words mean so much and they are used so provokingly by the media. The young man who lost his life at the Army recruiting office was killed by a Muslim extremist. Where's the outrage? Where are all the stories about this? Are all Muslims now evil, as the MSM would have us believe all pro-life people are evil? What about the deranged hate-filled man who opened fire at the Holocaust Museum? Oh, I see, somehow his evil is different. The MSM has linked him to all conservatives!!! So, it's really conservatives who are evil and to blame! It's so ridiculous. It fails every test of logic and sanity. But, we are exposed to this day after day and, unfortunately, a lot of folks are buying into it. George Orwell was prophetic. I suggest everyone read 1984 when you get the chance.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Did you know that there were upwards of 300,000 people at the pro-life march in Washington, D.C.? Do you think the New York Times even bothered to report it? Please do not try to tell me that the nation's largest newspapers are not biased. I attended the pro-life march in Atlanta. It turned out to be a beautiful day, decent weather, and lots and lots of pro-life folks peaceably gathered to protest the unjust killing of innocent lives. We are obliged to speak for the most innocent victims of violence who cannot speak for themselves. We are obliged to let the mothers know that they will pay an unspeakable price for this decision. Women suffer. Babies die. As a society, we are greatly diminished.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Church ladies have been a bit remiss lately on keeping up with this blog. Understandably. Life gets busy and it's hard sometimes to sit and gather the thoughts. Right now, I've had too many thoughts that are just plain negative. As a Catholic, I know that our ultimate hope rests in God, but things are looking a bit bleak for those of us who believe passionately in the sanctity and dignity of life. I'm trying to have hope for the U.S., but I don't see that there will ever be social justice for a nation that continues to make it a priority to kill its own children and, as of today, to once again export the evil of abortion to other nations. The pro-choice side tries to tell us that we're helping women by exporting death. We're not helping women. We're helping to kill babies and wound women. At this particular time in our history, it is reprehensible that we would actually be subsidizing the abortion industry. The government should be paring down unnecessary spending in every single way it can. It's an insult to drunken sailors to say that our congress has been spending like drunken sailors, because congress is supposed to be sober and responsible. BTW - Joe Biden is not Catholic. He is a dissenting Catholic. He is not in communion with the teachings of the Catholic Church. He doesn't even seem to understand what those teachings are. I'll stop now before I become uncharitable.