Friday, January 23, 2009

The Church ladies have been a bit remiss lately on keeping up with this blog. Understandably. Life gets busy and it's hard sometimes to sit and gather the thoughts. Right now, I've had too many thoughts that are just plain negative. As a Catholic, I know that our ultimate hope rests in God, but things are looking a bit bleak for those of us who believe passionately in the sanctity and dignity of life. I'm trying to have hope for the U.S., but I don't see that there will ever be social justice for a nation that continues to make it a priority to kill its own children and, as of today, to once again export the evil of abortion to other nations. The pro-choice side tries to tell us that we're helping women by exporting death. We're not helping women. We're helping to kill babies and wound women. At this particular time in our history, it is reprehensible that we would actually be subsidizing the abortion industry. The government should be paring down unnecessary spending in every single way it can. It's an insult to drunken sailors to say that our congress has been spending like drunken sailors, because congress is supposed to be sober and responsible. BTW - Joe Biden is not Catholic. He is a dissenting Catholic. He is not in communion with the teachings of the Catholic Church. He doesn't even seem to understand what those teachings are. I'll stop now before I become uncharitable.

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