Monday, September 22, 2008

Economy debacle

The economy is getting a little scary...funny thing is, if you read the Wall Street Journal, you saw this coming for come congress couldn't see it? Since the Clinton administration, the WSJ has been running articles and opinion pieces about the Democrats and their money connections to Fan and Fred and how dangerous it was getting. Let's see, they said something about a taxpayer-funded bailout when things got really bad and how congress should do something to get control of the situation before it was too late. Remember back during the Clinton adminstration when the Democrats were yelling racism about not everyone being able to get a loan for a home? Remember how they forced the banks to start lending to ANYBODY, regardless of their ability to pay back their loans???? Thanks guys, because now we're all going to have to pay for those loans...and isn't it rich how over the last couple of years (let's see, just about the same amount of time the Dems have been majority in congress) those same Dems have been calling the banks predators for loaning to people who couldn't afford it? The people in congress need to stop serving themselves and start serving the country. Term limits seem like an idea long past due...

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