Friday, September 12, 2008

Media Bias - you bet!

Just a quick agreement with Terri. As a conservative woman, it really is astounding to see the media bias. For instance, Obama really has very little experience in politics as compared to any other candidate who has ever put themselves up to run for president. Palin has quite a bit more political experience than Obama, and she is only on the ticket for VP, not president. However, the media is hammering on her "lack of experience." They just don't seem to notice Obama's true lack of experience, and he's actually running for president, not VP. On another note, it is quite disheartening to see how feminists really don't mean what they say. They say they want a women to run on the presidential ticket, but what they really mean is they want a pro-abortion woman with their "values" to run. If it's a woman with strong moral and family values, then forget about it. Suddenly she's a scary monster who is going to take all of your choices away. And, if she's a woman whose family may not have lived up to her own high expectations, (i.e. daughter Bristol's pregnancy) then you've really got something to knock her over the head with. It's kind of like driving with a pro-life bumper sticker. You know you better drive perfectly, because if you're pro-life, you have to be perfect too. Anyone who is pro-abortion who thinks you may have just cut them off in traffice will be sure to let you know that you must not really be pro-life if you're such a bad driver...only liberals are allowed to make mistakes apparently...

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